
Showing posts from July, 2021

Only way out

No time like now to fully dwell and submerge in the void that engulfs us all Forever in the warmth of this emptiness Mindful Forged with it as one Let's sail the endless merciless seas Unforgiving is its nature Oblivious to it will be ours

Figmental crises

I got bored and imagined it would be fun if I can shrink and be the size of an ant and dive into my fish tank to swim under water and navigate through the aqua plants as a miniature man While my original self could watch from outside as I glided about aimlessly inside But then I'd surely see myself getting ripped into shreds by the fish tank fishes from all sides and there ended this useless exercise I don't understand this existence

Agree to disagree

I do not intend to spend my lifetime staring at white noise spitting screens nor do I intend to speak so eloquently and caringly about things that aren’t my concerns No, it is not my intention to toil away chasing symbolic victories, vague by definition, useless even for the tenacious, for they are non-existent by design Would be equally unwise to assume, that I do intend, to deliberately misunderstand time and love to complain that it’s either too fast or too late,  when I know it always moves at the same rate I will vehemently deny if you accuse me of intending to be locked up inside my own mind,  keys thrown far away and all, and cry a mighty injustice through the bars and the walls I am not intentionally being the old dog that will not learn new tricks, stubborn to the realities raining on down like a ton of bricks Do not presume that it is intentional, watching me nonchalantly transform into a husk of my former high and haughty self I still won’t accept it is intentional, that I’m