Agree to disagree

I do not intend to spend my lifetime staring at white noise spitting screens
nor do I intend to speak so eloquently and caringly about things that aren’t my concerns
No, it is not my intention to toil away chasing symbolic victories,
vague by definition, useless even for the tenacious, for they are non-existent by design
Would be equally unwise to assume, that I do intend, to deliberately misunderstand time
and love to complain that it’s either too fast or too late, 
when I know it always moves at the same rate
I will vehemently deny if you accuse me of intending to be locked up inside my own mind, 
keys thrown far away and all,
and cry a mighty injustice through the bars and the walls
I am not intentionally being the old dog that will not learn new tricks,
stubborn to the realities raining on down like a ton of bricks
Do not presume that it is intentional, watching me nonchalantly transform into a husk of my former high and haughty self
I still won’t accept it is intentional, that I’m throwing it all to waste when I only have a precious few left,
and that I have blended into the mundanities for so long,
I’m a only few stirs away from total dissolvement

I may go on to live a life of dissociation and detachment, fading away
But even at the end of the last frayed strand of my rope
I will still refuse, profusely,
that all these were ever intentional
